Celotex PIR Board 2.4m x 1.2m-Eclipse Fencing

Celotex PIR Board 2.4m x 1.2m

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Looking to upgrade your insulation? Look no further than our top-of-the-line general purpose polyisocyanurate insulation boards! Our boards are perfect for floors, walls, and roofs, providing unparalleled thermal insulation and making your project more energy efficient than ever before.

With a thermal conductivity of just 0.022 W/mK, our insulation boards offer some of the best thermal performance on the market. And thanks to our certifications from the BBA (95/3197 and 09/4667), you can trust that our products meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

So why wait? Boost your projects thermal resistance with our insulation boards, which offer an R value of 2.27 m2K/W. It's the perfect way to keep your home or business warm in the winter and cool in the summer, all while saving on your energy bills.